- Project Management, Engineering and Construction Management of needed improvements to refinery terminal, docks and tank farm.
- Changed tank service and re-designed manifold of transfer lines to increase Crude Storage Capacity.
- Inspections and reports for Crude Storage Tank Environmental Audit (State mandated).
- Design of multiple interplant pipelines ranging in size from 2” to 10” diameter.
- SPCC Tank Farm containment study and implementation for various plants.
- Design for new 30,000 barrel and 10,000 barrel holding tanks including multiple 1,000 and 500 barrel tanks with associated pumping and piping for benzene storage and transfer.
- Design of tank farm piping for re-commissioning Sulfolane/BTX.
- Engineering design for two 40M barrel storage tanks including secondary containment.
- Tank Farm Upgrade to reroute numerous product rundown lines.
- Various piping and electrical revamps on docks and transfer lines.
- Design of a two spot loading rack with water deluge system for Propane Truck Loading.
- Feasibility study for a multiple island truck loading rack complete with blending, vapor recovery, canopy, and fire protection.
- Design of a two spot truck LPG Loading/Unloading Rack including interconnecting piping and pumps from storage tanks.
- Design of a three-spot, bottom-loading truck loading rack with a vapor recovery system, card reader system, water deluge, and canopy.
- Upgrade of an existing Sulfur Truck/Rail Rack facility from five to ten loading spots. The sulfur transfer piping was double-jacketed pipe.
- Study to upgrade and add an Truck Loading Rack emergency shutdown system.
- Design of a gasoline truck loading rack including interconnecting piping, pump, and a vapor recovery system.
- Design of a 6 railcar asphalt loading facility.
For additional information, contact our offices.